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Mattress Matters and Pillow Talk

Achieving your ideal level of wellness requires a thorough and thoughtful approach to self-care. You need to consider everything, such as searching for the “top chiropractor near me” and scheduling regular treatment. Choosing the right mattress and pillows to use inside your home in The Villages, FL, is also important. Allow us at Colony Chiropractic to explain why these choices matter.

How Your Mattress and Pillows Can Affect Your Sleep-Related Issues

Waking up with back, neck, or shoulder pain isn’t just about your sleeping position. In all likelihood, your mattress and pillows can also explain why you need pain relief.

A bad mattress may not offer enough support. You may require joint pain treatment because your mattress causes your body to become misaligned while you’re sleeping. If your mattress already appears uneven before you even lie down, you should consider using something else.

Lack of support is also the primary issue with low-quality pillows. Instead of keeping your head elevated, your pillows may be why you’re looking up a “chiropractor near me” on your smartphone.

Don’t forget that your mattress and pillows can also increase your risk of experiencing sleep apnea. Because you’re not receiving adequate support from your mattress and pillows, you may assume a sleeping position that disrupts your airway. Swapping out your old mattress and pillows is a must if they contribute to your breathing troubles. Seeking sleep apnea treatment from a “chiropractic office near me” is also crucial.

How Your Chiropractor Can Address Your Sleep-Related Issues

Resolving your sleep-related issues requires more than changing the items you use for sleeping. You should also seek sleep apnea and joint pain treatment from a chiropractor to address those issues effectively.

When it comes to pain relief, a chiropractor can use spinal adjustments to alleviate the joint discomfort exacerbated by your mattress and pillows. Those adjustments should prove very helpful because they address the underlying causes of your joint pain.

Meanwhile, a chiropractor can change the alignment of your spine to grant you effective sleep apnea treatment. We can also teach you about proper sleeping positions so you don’t have to worry about that issue again.

Improve the Quality of Your Sleep by Working with Our Chiropractor

Contact us at Colony Chiropractic and let us help with your sleep-related troubles. Visit our office in The Villages, FL, so we can diagnose and effectively treat those issues!


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